
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2 weeks.....

Today  has been exactly 2 weeks since I started training with Jen Harrison & 1 week since I started running again. My swim workouts have been longer, more structured, & a lot more fun than what I was recently doing. My biking has been a little less & easier than what I was doing, & my runs.....well, its only been a week. I am definitely NOT in run shape but I will get there. I want to take it nice & slow because I can NOT, will NOT re-aggrivate the plantar fascitis.

I hope to start physical therapy Friday & I am hopeful it will end up with me being pain free or the very least keep me running stong through all of the training & racing. I try to stay positive & not dewll on every little twinge of pain but I do find myself thinking about it waaaay too much. I even wake up in the middle of the night (multiple times) flexing my feet or stretching my calves. I am really thinking about getting a night splint. Has anyone ever used a night slpint for the relief of plantar fascitis & how did it work???

I got back to blending again a few weeks ago....I say blending because I dont like a juicer, I think it takes out all the stuff thats soooo good for you, so I blend it ALL!!! I have tried many different concoctions & they are all delicious, not to mention great for you.

Trying to figure out how to post pics......



  1. I haven't personalloy used it but HIGHLY recommend getting the Strassburg sock for sleeping. There are also a couple of anti-inflamatory creams you can use: the prescribed 1 is called Voltaren & the over the counter 1 is Arnica. I work at Fleet Feet & 1 of my co-workers is dealing with plantar fascitas...but she almost back to 100% by using what I listed. Good luck :)

  2. Yes, many people do like that Strassburg Sock!!!
