
Monday, January 14, 2013

Swim Test...

Yesterday was my 1st swim test, I was nervous about it because I really wanted to do well. The test consisted of a long warm up & then 10x100 with a :10 rest......going at max effort!

Once I got to number 5 of the test I felt like I could finsih it really strong & I was not going to die....haha! Following the test was a long cool down as well. Iam not going to post my time but I will say it was slightly faster than I thought it was going to be :)

Not only did i have my swim test today, but I also ran for a total of 1 hour this week. I know its not much but for me not running since the chicago half marathon in september, it was AWESOME! I still have some pain but I am going to be starting physical therapy to help with that. Continuing to ice my feet & stretch like its my job....

I may post my test time after I have another to compare...


1 comment:

  1. ugh...remember that swim test well!! My concern was losing track of what "100" I was on...and either not swimming enough or swimming to many...and having to start over. But swimming is not my thing...this is just the beginning :)
